Meaning of फैलाव in Bangla
- বিয়েতে
- প্রসারণ
- বিচ্ছুরণ
- ক্রমবৃদ্ধি
- পুন: পরিব্যাপ্তি
- ছড়িয়ে পড়া
- টেন্ড্রিলস
Meaning of फैलाव in English
English usage of फैलाव
- Interventional paediatric cardiology mainly involves dilatation of stenotic vessels or valves and occlusion of abnormal communications.
- dilation of the pupils of the eye
- some seeds rely on birds for dispersion
- some seeds rely on birds for dispersion
- I spread a towel on the sand and sat down
- Shoots were cut, divided into stems with broad leaves, tendrils , flowers, and fruits.
- dilation of the pupils of the eye
Articles Related to ‘फैलाव’
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