Meaning of प्रबल in Bangla
- উদীয়মান
- গুরুতর
- প্রবল
- অভেদ্য
- পরাভূত করা
- ক্ষমতাশালী
- বিরাজ করা
- লত্তয়ান
Meaning of प्रबल in English
English usage of प्रबल
- ascendant moderate factions in the party
- egregious abuses of copyright
- signs of forcible entry
- an impervious layer of basaltic clay
- He is hated for being a rich bully who uses his strength and wealth to overpower those who are weaker and poorer than he is.
- a cross potent
- it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion
- it is hard for logic to prevail over emotion
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