Meaning of नमूना in Bangla
- আদর্শ
- মস্করা
- মডেল
- অতুলনীয় ব্যক্তি
- অতুলনীয় বস্তু
- নমুনা
- টাঙানো নকশা-বোনা
- উদাহরণ
- নমুনা করা
Meaning of नमूना in English
English usage of नमूना
- he became the leading exemplar of conservative philosophy
- a man jigged for squid
- a model airplane
- a survey of two hundred randomly sampled households
- a survey of two hundred randomly sampled households
- a few superb samplers of West Indian dishes
- routine river sampling is carried out according to a schedule
- Another corner of the display showed zoological specimens , minerals and ores, and surgical instruments.
- I got the polishes yesterday, and I've swatched them all
- a survey of two hundred randomly sampled households
Articles Related to ‘नमूना’
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