Meaning of नट in Bangla
- মল্ল
- কনটর্শানিস্ট
- নকুলে লোক
- দড়াবাজিকর
- দড়ি নর্তকী
- রজ্জুনর্তক
- দড়িনির্মাতা
- ঝোঁকা
- ছোট বাদাম
- ছোট বাদাম
- একদল এলিট শ্রতা
English usage of नट
- The Moscow State Circus is famous worldwide thanks to its spectacular displays from acrobats , clowns, gymnasts, trapeze artists and lots more.
- In addition to the band, he had a slew of video artists and contortionists , and some on-stage body piercing.
- In addition to the band, he had a slew of video artists and contortionists , and some on-stage body piercing.
- A closeted, kilted singer is brutally rejected by his former partner who is now an unbalanced equilibrist .
- A closeted, kilted singer is brutally rejected by his former partner who is now an unbalanced equilibrist .
- a calf that runs fast or kicks hard can foil a roper's finest effort
- a calf that runs fast or kicks hard can foil a roper's finest effort
- The inflorescences are composed of whorls of small, whitish, zygomorphic flowers, with seeds disposed in up to four nutlets of about 0 • 4 x 1 • 1 mm.
- The inflorescences are composed of whorls of small, whitish, zygomorphic flowers, with seeds disposed in up to four nutlets of about 0 • 4 x 1 • 1 mm.
অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন