Meaning of धोखा देना in Bangla
- হতবুদ্ধি করা
- প্রতারণা করা
- ভয় দেখান
- ধোঁকাবাজ
- ডুডল
- হিজিবিজি কাটা
- ডাবল পারাপার
- ধোঁকা দেত্তয়া
- প্রতারিত করা
- খোসা ছাড়ান
- দিতে না পারা
Meaning of धोखा देना in English
English usage of धोखा देना
- Tom Sawyer bamboozled the neighborhood boys into doing it for him
- Tom Sawyer bamboozled the neighborhood boys into doing it for him
- Tom Sawyer bamboozled the neighborhood boys into doing it for him
- Tom Sawyer bamboozled the neighborhood boys into doing it for him
- he's been bluffing all along
- I didn't intend to deceive people into thinking it was French champagne
- he was only doodling in the margin
- he was only doodling in the margin
- he was blackmailed into double-crossing his own government
- some people still view psychology as a lot of hocus-pocus
- these people have been hocussed and cheated by the government
- these people have been hocussed and cheated by the government
- these people have been hocussed and cheated by the government
- these people have been hocussed and cheated by the government
- these people have been hocussed and cheated by the government
- both men will be jockeying for the two top jobs
- shuck and drain the oysters
- shuck and drain the oysters
- After that, we went to play a round of pool so that I could redeem myself, and we both thought for a bit that I was going to skunk him.
- After that, we went to play a round of pool so that I could redeem myself, and we both thought for a bit that I was going to skunk him.
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