Meaning of धूर्त in Bangla
- ছলনাময়
- টেটন
- কৌশলী
- তীক্ষ্ন
- সেয়ানা
- স্পিলার
- প্রফুল্ল
- ধূর্ত
- স্নুটফুল
- স্নোটি
- নাস আলোকাবৃত্ত
- দুরন্ত
- আত্মঘাতী
- কৌতূহলী
Meaning of धूर्त in English
English usage of धूर्त
- her artful wiles
- a whole range of outrageous Machiavellian manoeuvres
- she was shrewd enough to guess the motive behind his gesture
- she had a sly personality
- she had a sly personality
- she had a sly personality
- Stoppard's a superb teacher, but he's mainly a showman, a seducer, an intellectual spieler who doesn't dare lose his engaged audience for a moment.
- a blithe disregard for the rules of the road
- a crafty crook faked an injury to escape from prison
- a crafty crook faked an injury to escape from prison
- a cunning look came into his eyes
- she had a sly personality
- they're tongue-tied until they've had a snootful
- Character is one of the most important instructive and suasive devices in literature, Fowler points out.
Articles Related to ‘धूर्त’
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