Meaning of दोष in Bangla
- দোষ
- কলঙ্ক
- খুঁত
- অপূর্ণতা
- ফল্ট
- ত্রুটি
- ভঙ্গুরতা
- ইন্দ্রিয়গুলোর
- অমেধ্য
- খারাপ
- আত্মপ্রশংসা
- কলঙ্কিত করা
- নিষ্পন্ন
- দোষ খোঁজা
- উদরস্থ বায়ু
- অভিযুক্ত করা
- অপরাধ
Meaning of दोष in English
English usage of दोष
- the inquiry blamed the engineer for the accident
- the merest blemish on a Rolls Royce might render it unsalable
- genetic defects
- the merits and demerits of these proposals
- my worst fault is impatience
- my worst fault is impatience
- plates with flaws in them were sold at the outlet store
- the increasing frailty of old age
- memory impairment
- They also maintained that illness, poverty, business failure, or any other misfortune is simply due to sin and spiritual impurity .
- Machiavelli sometimes associates these passions and desires which are inherent to human nature with vice and corruption and immoral, blameworthy, wicked, and dishonourable conduct.
- As for the butt of the blague , the answer must again be: both.
- the inquiry blamed the engineer for the accident
- my main problem was a blemished skin
- genetic defects
- genetic defects
- my worst fault is impatience
- Failure to pass flatus or feces suggests intestinal obstruction.
- plates with flaws in them were sold at the outlet store
- the crimes imputed to Richard
- a mass trespass on the hills
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