Meaning of दुर्लक्ष in Bangla
- নিবৃত্তি
- উপেক্ষা
- অবহেলিত
- উপেক্ষা করা
- অগ্রাহ্যের তালিকা
- দীর্ঘ
- অসাবধানতা
- অবহেলা
- অমর্যাদাপূর্ণ
- ঘরে পরার পোশাক
- আফ্রিকার নিগ্রো
- অনুল্লেখ
- তত্ত্বাবধান করা
- উপেক্ষিত
- দেখা
- তিনি উপেক্ষা
- নির্লিপ্ততা
- অসচেতনতা
- অবাস্তবতা
- অবলোকন
- অবাস্তব
- অযত্ন
Meaning of दुर्लक्ष in English
English usage of दुर्लक्ष
- a resolution passed by 126 votes to none, with six abstentions
- the body of evidence is too substantial to disregard
- the body of evidence is too substantial to disregard
- the body of evidence is too substantial to disregard
- the body of evidence is too substantial to disregard
- he ignored her outraged question
- he ignored her outraged question
- a moment of inattention that could have cost lives
- the old churchyard has been sadly neglected
- the old churchyard has been sadly neglected
- the old churchyard has been sadly neglected
- he seems to have overlooked one important fact
- he seems to have overlooked one important fact
- he seems to have overlooked one important fact
- he seems to have overlooked one important fact
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