Meaning of टिकाऊ in Bangla
- টেকসই
- ডিউরেবলস
- ডুরাল
- বুক
- কয়েদ
- লোকসান কমেনি
- সহনীয়
- স্থায়ী
Meaning of टिकाऊ in English
English usage of टिकाऊ
- a durable peace can be achieved
- a durable peace can be achieved
- Time adverbials introduced by until impose restrictions on the aspectual class of the main clause they combine with: they only combine with durative sentences.
- confessions extracted under duress
- my journey was long but endurable
- he formed a number of enduring relationships with women
- sustainable fusion reactions
Articles Related to ‘टिकाऊ’
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