Meaning of जल्दी से ले लेना in Bangla
- আনবোল্ট
- উদ্ঘাটন
- আনবোল্টস
- নিরবচ্ছিন্ন
Meaning of जल्दी से ले लेना in English
English usage of जल्दी से ले लेना
- he ran down the stairs and unbolted the heavy wooden door
- he ran down the stairs and unbolted the heavy wooden door
- he ran down the stairs and unbolted the heavy wooden door
- And the unbolted window had been discovered, for the screws had been replaced properly!
Synonyms of ‘जल्दी से ले लेना’
Antonyms of ‘जल्दी से ले लेना’
Articles Related to ‘जल्दी से ले लेना’
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