Meaning of चिड़चिड़ा in Bangla
- দজ্জাল
- কর্কশ
- খিট্খিটে
- অভিমানী
- একরোখা
- বিরক্তিকর
- জ্বালাতনকর
- নার্ভাস
- লাফানে
- গুঞ্জরিত
- বদরাগী
- বদমেজাজি
- কারিগরি
- টেকি
- সাক্ষ্য
- সাক্ষী
- টেস্টি
- টেকচিয়ার
- টেকচেস্ট
- চঞ্চল
- স্পর্শকাতরতা
Meaning of चिड़चिड़ा in English
English usage of चिड़चिड़ा
- Even Maureen, who generally treats her choleric partner with girlish forbearance, at one point asks: ‘Why do you always shout like that, Rolf?’
- a rather crabby old man
- the baby was crying with a fretful whimper
- the old man grew sulky and grouchy
- an irascible man
- she was tired and irritable
- an irritating child
- caffeine makes me jittery
- he was tired and jumpy
- he was tired and jumpy
- he was tired and jumpy
- all this makes Steve fretful and peevish
- he comes across in his journal entries as spoiled and pettish
- Of course, we have fights, but he is genuinely quick-tempered so it's over before it's begun.
- You can see why people might get a little tetchy about their personal privacy with one company carving so many avenues into their lives, even if I do think those worries are ultimately unfounded.
- she could see him growing quite testy beneath that polished urbanity
- she could see him growing quite testy beneath that polished urbanity
- she could see him growing quite testy beneath that polished urbanity
- she had always been tetchy and impatient with him
- she had always been tetchy and impatient with him
- she had always been tetchy and impatient with him
- Even cool Capricorns can get touchy and easily upset during the Time of the Crab.
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