Meaning of चांद in Bangla
Meaning of चांद in English
English usage of चांद
- lying in bed eating candy, mooning around
- lying in bed eating candy, mooning around
- I can hear the songs of migrating birds: phoebes , white-throated sparrows, towhees, catbirds, chipping sparrows.
- I can hear the songs of migrating birds: phoebes , white-throated sparrows, towhees, catbirds, chipping sparrows.
- I can hear the songs of migrating birds: phoebes , white-throated sparrows, towhees, catbirds, chipping sparrows.
Articles Related to ‘चांद’
অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন