Meaning of खाद्य in Bangla
- ভক্ষণীয়
- ভোজ্য
- সংগ্রহপূর্বক সরবরাহ
- মেষপালক
- ফীডার
- প্রতিপালন
- জায়গিরদার
Meaning of खाद्य in English
English usage of खाद्य
- comestible plants
- nasturtium seeds are edible
- Coupons and special ‘cheap times’ are just the beginning of customer promotions in the modern world of sex purveyance .
- nasturtium seeds are edible
- a plankton feeder
- a plankton feeder
- he fed her brownies he had just baked
- He became a legal advisor to Lord FitzWalter and later to his son, as well as a feoffee of the FitzWalter estates; he similarly served the Earl of Oxford, who had landed and commercial interests in Maldon.
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