Meaning of कातडी in Bangla
- অটল
- খাড়াই
- চাঁচা
- বল
- পাতলা
- চর্মসার
- চামড়া ছাড়ান
- আঁট চামড়া
- সেরকম
- চাতুরি
- স্পিনেজ
- স্পিনেটেল
- কাটনা
- সভ্যতা
- স্পিনস্ট্রি
- ভাঁজ
- কান্ডযুক্ত
- গামছা
Meaning of कातडी in English
English usage of कातडी
- brown, leathery skin
- the north face is a very steep scarp
- A scarped windward slope is the aspect most characteristic of coastal dunes.
- She had working hands that knew the feel of turf in the spring, the cuts and scrapes from sheafing oats, the soil of picking spuds in the back-end, all part of the annual cycle which had remained unchanged for years until more recent times.
- his skinny arms
- his skinny arms
- the hole in his skull skinned over
- a skintight black sweater
- a firm that investigates commercial skulduggery
- spinose forms will need care in collecting
Articles Related to ‘कातडी’
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