Meaning of कदाचित in Bangla
- সম্ভবত
- হতে পারে
- মে মাসে দৃষ্ট ক্ষণজীবী পতঙ্গ
- হয়তো
- শোভন
Meaning of कदाचित in English
English usage of कदाचित
- sales are likely to drop further
- maybe I won't go back
- Rations include a variety of insect larvae, especially mayflies , blackflies, caddis flies, and midges.
- a convincing display of military might
- that shows beyond peradventure the strength of the economy
- perhaps I should have been frank with him
- “Would you recognize them?” “Probably.”
- I felt it was not seemly to observe too closely
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