Meaning of उत्सुक in Bangla
- ক্ষুধিত
- আগ্রহী
- উত্সাহী
- অদ্ভুত
- উৎসুক নেত্রবিশিষ্ট
- উৎসুক উদার
- অতিপ্রাকৃত
- উদ্ভাবন করা
- ছাল ছাড়ান
- উল্লাস
- উত্তম
- প্রখর ঝোলা
- প্রখর নিরাপদ্
- সূক্ষ্মদর্শী
- প্রখর নেত্রবিশিষ্ট
- প্রখর উপস্থিতবুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন
- তীক্ষ è তর
- প্রখর
- গড়িমসি
- উদাসীন
Meaning of उत्सुक in English
English usage of उत्सुक
- an avid reader of science fiction
- young intellectuals eager for knowledge
- I have keen eyesight
- an avid reader of science fiction
- I began to be curious about the whereabouts of the bride and groom
- young intellectuals eager for knowledge
- an eerie green glow in the sky
- scholars straining to excogitate upon subjects of which they know little
- the papers that had been excoriating him were now lauding him
- exulting in her escape, Lisa closed the door behind her
- the group has achieved fair and equal representation for all its members
- I have keen eyesight
- keeners who spent most of high school buried in homework
- I have keen eyesight
- it won't be this price for long, so don't procrastinate
- Leila tried to wrest her arm from his hold
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