Meaning of उड़ाऊ in Bangla
- অপরিণামদর্শী
- ব্যয়
- অনুপযুক্ত
- অদ্বিতীয়
- অদৃশ্য
- অস্পষ্টতা
Meaning of उड़ाऊ in English
English usage of उड़ाऊ
- improvident and undisciplined behavior
- Putt was a spendthrift and a heavy gambler
- Firstly, can you believe that is completely unfunded ?
- playing those machines was a worldly unthrifty activity not to be indulged in
- playing those machines was a worldly unthrifty activity not to be indulged in
- playing those machines was a worldly unthrifty activity not to be indulged in
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