Meaning of आदर्श in Bangla
- আদর্শ
- আদর্শ অবস্থা
- আদর্শভাবে
- অতুলনীয় ব্যক্তি
- আদর্শায়ন
- আদর্শের
- মনে মনে অঙ্কন করা
- কল্পনা করা
- বদ্ধমূল
- ঈদেও বাড়িছাড়া
- আদর্শ বাক্তি
Meaning of आदर्श in English
English usage of आदर्श
- you're my ideal of how a man should be
- the ideality of the island of Aran
- the ideality of the island of Aran
- ideally, you should exercise for 30 minutes every day
- this system has been the norm in Germany for decades
- you're my ideal of how a man should be
- her idealization of childhood as a time of innocence
- you're my ideal of how a man should be
- the arc whose ideated center is a nodal point in the composition
- the arc whose ideated center is a nodal point in the composition
- His stubborn integrity has made him a consistently interesting and evolving artist and a role model for a more ideal art world.
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