Meaning of अशुभ in Bangla
- অশুভ
- কলহপ্রি়
- কবর দেত্তয়া
- অরক্ষিত
- অবারিত
- অশুচি
- অনাগত
- অবাস্তব
- অসচ্ছল
- অদম্য
- অস্পষ্ট
- অযৌক্তিক
- অপরিচ্ছন্ন
- দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত
- অপরিশোধিত
- অনাহারী
- অসম্পূর্ণ
Meaning of अशुभ in English
English usage of अशुभ
- it was an inauspicious beginning to the long and complex entanglement
- it was an inauspicious beginning to the long and complex entanglement
- no hand his bones shall gather or inhume
- there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead
- the distal ungual phalanges may be much modified to bear claws, nails, or hoofs
- Traditionally perfumes were made from plant and animal substances and prepared in the form of waters, oils, unguents , powders, and incense.
- an unlucky defeat
Articles Related to ‘अशुभ’
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