Meaning of अमल में लाना in Bangla
- মূর্ত করা
- রুপ দেত্তয়া
- বাহ্যিক
- বাস্তবে পরিণত করা
- রূপায়িত
- ব্যক্তিগতভাবে
- ব্যক্তিগতকৃত
Meaning of अमल में लाना in English
English usage of अमल में लाना
- what the Greeks did do was exteriorize their intellectual life, make it convivial and explicit
- what the Greeks did do was exteriorize their intellectual life, make it convivial and explicit
- what the Greeks did do was exteriorize their intellectual life, make it convivial and explicit
- elements of the internal construction were externalized onto the facade
- elements of the internal construction were externalized onto the facade
- elements of the internal construction were externalized onto the facade
- elements of the internal construction were externalized onto the facade
- the assumed savings may not materialize
- the assumed savings may not materialize
- There must be strange entities materializing from the ether, ghouls, ghosts, or spirits hanging out in the material world to warn or haunt us.
- the assumed savings may not materialize
- the assumed savings may not materialize
- the assumed savings may not materialize
- the assumed savings may not materialize
- the assumed savings may not materialize
- the wedding invitations will be personalized to your exact requirements
- the wedding invitations will be personalized to your exact requirements
Synonyms of ‘अमल में लाना’
Antonyms of ‘अमल में लाना’
Articles Related to ‘अमल में लाना’
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