diseases that once threatened to completely unpeople the western hemisphere
the full significance of this went unperceived
The day after telling the probe of an unprimed bomb left in plastic bags at her Buncrana house, Mrs McMahon recalled the day the bomb went off in Strabane and she was told ‘it is one of ours’.
Peter's first reply was unprintable
his reports were submitted at a financially unpropitious time
Impecunious and improvident - or, as one biographer phrased it more kindly, ‘ unprosperous ’ were invariably on the list of invocations as well.
unpurified water
Mate, the best waves are going unridden , and the tide's gonna kill it soon.
pale, unripened tomatoes
she had been an unspectacular student
the clergymen were deplorably unspiritual
analyses based on dubious and untested assumptions
playing those machines was a worldly unthrifty activity not to be indulged in
playing those machines was a worldly unthrifty activity not to be indulged in
untransformed rage can become a constant mantra about how oppressed we were
the harsh dissonances give a sound that is quite untypical of that period