Meaning of अनुमान करना in Bangla
- সিদ্ধান্ত করা
- পূর্বাহ্নেই মানিয়া লত্তয়া
Meaning of अनुमान करना in English
English usage of अनुमान करना
- from these facts we can infer that crime has been increasing
- his relationships did not permit the degree of self-revelation that true intimacy presupposes
- his relationships did not permit the degree of self-revelation that true intimacy presupposes
Synonyms of ‘अनुमान करना’
Antonyms of ‘अनुमान करना’
Articles Related to ‘अनुमान करना’
অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন