Meaning of अचल in Bangla
- স্থাবর
- অপরিবর্তনীয়
- পরিবর্তিত
- অনপসারণীয়
- অনড়
- আনবশড
- অচল
- অবিশ্বস্ত
- অ্যাকিয়ান
- নিশ্চল করা
- স্থাবর সম্পত্তি
- অনড় হয়ে
- নিরলস
- অকাট্য
- অদম্যতা
- অবিচ্ছিন্ন
- অপ্রকাশ্য
Meaning of अचल in English
English usage of अचल
- lock your bike to something immovable like a lamp post
- lock your bike to something immovable like a lamp post
- disillusion was the almost invariable result
- the pattern of cell divisions was found to be invariant
- the irremovable taint of corruption
- she suffered irreversible damage to her health
- Their choreographed turning of backs left me speechless and moveless so I limped to my lamely un-costumed friend and told him that I was leaving.
- he was unabashed by the furor his words provoked
- waters that are ice-covered remain unstirred by wind
- In 224 Antigonus marched south, organized his allies into a Hellenic League under Macedonian presidency, restored Achaean influence in Arcadia and in 222 invaded Laconia.
- I want you to immobilize their vehicle
- I want you to immobilize their vehicle
- lock your bike to something immovable like a lamp post
- If George wishes to deny the right of inheritance, ‘he must do so with regard to movable as well as in the case of immovable goods, or at least he must demonstrate why immovables , and not movables, should be inheritable.’
- lock your bike to something immovable like a lamp post
- an immutable fact
- the unchallengeable truth of these basic facts
- her unslakable desire
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