Meaning of کشش in Bangla
- লোভনীয়
- আরোহী প্রণালীভিত্তিক
- আকর্ষণ
- চটক
- প্রতারণামূলক
- ন্যায়িক
- অবান্তর
- এঁটেল
- একচেটিয়া করা
- গুল
- গর্ভিণী
- ঝুঁকিয়ে পড়া
- পথচু্যতিসম্বন্ধীয়
- সম্পূর্ণ পরিতৃপ্ত করা
- প্রলুব্ধকর
- মজাদার
Meaning of کشش in English
English usage of کشش
- the town offers alluring shops and restaurants
- she has romantic ideas about sexual attraction
- this scheme could enhance the attractiveness of the area
- a catchy recruiting slogan
- I used my deductive powers
- a digressive account
- the river was engorged by a day-long deluge
- the notes totally engrossed him
- parents told little white fibs about out-of-wedlock births
- the scene is gravid with unease
- they gravitated to the Catholic faith in their hour of need
- they gravitated to the Catholic faith in their hour of need
- the Latin inflectional system
- sate your appetite at the resort's restaurant
- a tempting financial offer
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