Meaning of ڈاکو in Bangla
- কথা কাটাকাটি করা
- ডাকাত
- দস্যুরা
- রাহাজানি
- গেঁয়ো লোক
- গেঁয়ো লোক
- দসু্য
- ডাকাতি
- ঘোমটা
- হুড
- উপর পর্দা
- প্রতারণ
- শক্তসমর্থ
- দাড়কাক
- দণ্ডনায়ক
Meaning of ڈاکو in English
English usage of ڈاکو
- $40,000 is the figure that has been bandied about
- the bandit produced a weapon and demanded money
- the bandit produced a weapon and demanded money
- size-fourteen clodhoppers
- This valley was recently the territory of a famous dacoit , or highway robber, named Mohammad Khan.
- This valley was recently the territory of a famous dacoit , or highway robber, named Mohammad Khan.
- thirteen cases of attempted dacoity
- I've lived in the hood for 15 years
- I've lived in the hood for 15 years
- an attempt to hoodwink the public
- an attempt to hoodwink the public
- In one version the bandits and their boss join the imperial forces and from then on fight robbers and bandits in the name of law and order.
- In one version the bandits and their boss join the imperial forces and from then on fight robbers and bandits in the name of law and order.
- the Caplans are a robust, healthy lot
- that lawyer rooked me out of it
- the sentence of the court was carried out by a scourger
Articles Related to ‘ڈاکو’
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