Meaning of پریشان in Bangla
- ক্লেশিত
- শিংওয়ালা
- ওঠা একটি সংবাদ
- মন কেমন করা
- বিরক্ত
- বিরক্তির
- অপছন্দ
- বিক্ষিপ্ত
- পীড়িত
- সংবিগ্ন
- জ্বালাতন
- জ্বালাতন করা
- এই ঝামেলার
- রাগান
- বিজড়িত
- বিভ্রান্ত করা
- বাধ্য করা
- হতবুদ্ধি করা
- ঘামান
- বিহ্বল করা
- বিচল
- বিরক্ত করা
- বিব্রত করা
- আচ্ছন্ন
- টেনশনে
- বিরক্তিকর
- অস্থির
- উদ্বেগজনকভাবে
- ঝাঁকুনি
- ঝগড়াটে
- উদ্বেগ
- মর্মাহত
- হতাশ
- ঘৃণিত
- চিন্তিত
- জীর্ণ
- উদ্বিগ্ন
Meaning of پریشان in English
English usage of پریشان
- when she turned, her face was anguished
- I'm not particularly bothered about how I look
- the driver didn't bother to ask why
- Harry nurtured a distaste for all things athletic
- distraught parents looking for a runaway teenager
- I was distressed at the news of his death
- disturbed sleep
- the site surface had been disturbed by bulldozer activity
- fretted notes
- fretted notes
- squeegee men who hassle drivers for change at stoplights
- his tone irritated her
- sometimes a heavy truck gets mired down
- the spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their etymological origins
- a sound from the reception hall obtruded into his thoughts
- she was perplexed by her husband's moodiness
- Will was perspiring heavily
- they were perturbed that the bank had begun switching some of its problem loans
- she didn't seem perturbed about the noises around her
- she constantly pestered him with telephone calls
- don't make such a pother!
- she seemed a bit preoccupied
- her body tensed up
- his troubled private life
- the Knicks trounced the Rockets on Sunday
- the Knicks trounced the Rockets on Sunday
- the demonstrators tussled with police
- the accusation upset her
- the vexed question of exactly how much money the government is going to spend
- I wormed my way along the roadside ditch
- you look worn out
- he is worried that we are not sustaining high employment
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