Meaning of پالنا in Bangla
- শৈশবাবস্থা
- শান্ত করা
- সুতিকাগারই
- দোলায় শোয়ান
- ডাবা
- ক্রীবল
- পালিত
- পালন
Meaning of پالنا in English
English usage of پالنا
- she cradled his head in her arms
- she cradled his head in her arms
- she cradled his head in her arms
- To ensure rigidity, he reinforces the panels with wooden cradling .
- an English crib of Caesar's Gallic Wars
- His son and fosterlings were well received in the town.
- His son and fosterlings were well received in the town.
- he was born and reared in New York City
Articles Related to ‘پالنا’
অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন