Meaning of مشکوک in Bangla
- দ্বিধা
- সন্দিহান
- সন্দেহজনক ব্যাপার
- সন্দেহজনক
- মিলা
- অনিশ্চয়
- বিষণ্ণ
- ছায়াময়
- দ্বিধাগ্রস্ত হত্তয়া
- সাসপেক্টর
- সাসপেন্স
Meaning of مشکوک in English
English usage of مشکوک
- the people often face the dilemma of feeding themselves or their cattle
- I was doubtful of my judgment
- his enemies made much of the dubiety of his paternity
- Alex looked dubious, but complied
- a dusky complexion
- shady woods
- the government shilly-shallied about the matter
- come on, Fran, don't keep me in suspense!
- he was suspicious of her motives
Articles Related to ‘مشکوک’
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