Meaning of مرکب in Bangla
- মিশ্রণ
- ব্লেনডেড
- মিলে
- ফন্দি আঁটা
- শান্তভাবে
- যোগ করা জিনিস
- গঠন
- রচনা
- কম্পোজিশনের
- যৌগিক
- আপোষযোগ্য
- মিশ্রিত
- মিট
- সুবাসিত করা
- ছোটো পিপে জাতীয় পাত্র
- সংমিশ্রণ
- মিক্স
- মেশিন
Meaning of مرکب in English
English usage of مرکب
- he felt that his work was an admixture of aggression and creativity
- blend the cornstarch with a tablespoon of water
- blend the cornstarch with a tablespoon of water
- I've just brewed some coffee
- the English legal system is a composite of legislation and judicial precedent
- the social composition of villages
- new compositional techniques arose
- the social composition of villages
- a compound noun
- a dialect compounded of Spanish and Dutch
- a dialect compounded of Spanish and Dutch
- the Egyptian method of embalming
- If that wasn't enough he has provided T-shirts for the gang to wear on the ride (no yellow jerseys required) and thrown in five firkins of beer.
- form the mixture into a manageable dough
- form the mixture into a manageable dough
- Many of the dialects borrow from Bantu languages, Swahili , Arabic, English, and French.
Articles Related to ‘مرکب’
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