Meaning of فطرت in Bangla
- দুর্লভ শিল্পবস্তু
- স্বভাব
- জন্মগত অবস্থা
- জন্ম
- জন্মের হার
- সন্তরণ
- প্রাকৃতিক
- স্বাভাবিকতা
- প্রকৃতি
- স্বভাবের
- নগ্নতাবাদ
- প্রাকৃতিকতা
Meaning of فطرت in English
English usage of فطرت
- they had such fun over the wonderful box of curios that Jack had sent from India
- your sunny disposition has a way of rubbing off on those around you
- in spite of falling natality, the population as a whole went up
- in spite of falling natality, the population as a whole went up
- And natation , swimming, comes from natare… natatum; ‘nation’ as an alternative, along the lines of ‘dilation,’ would obviously be wrong.
- the breathtaking beauty of nature
- a good-natured man
- the breathtaking beauty of nature
- Nudism and naturism are often used synonymously.
Articles Related to ‘فطرت’
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