Meaning of سزا in Bangla
- কঠোর ভর্ত্সনা
- মার্জিত করা
- দৃঢ় বিশ্বাস
- ইশতমুস
- চুম্বনরত
- বন্ধকগ্রহীতা
- জলাশয়গুলো ক্রমেই ভরাট
- দণ্ডনীয়তা
- ভুটানি
- ঝাঁজ
- শাস্তি
- বাক্য
Meaning of سزا in English
English usage of سزا
- the director was somewhat chastened by his recent flops
- she had a previous conviction for a similar offense
- Land routes are really old, especially through isthmuses .
- Trained as a scientist, not a moralist, Grinnell logged the words, actions, practices, history, and religious beliefs of Blackfeet, Pawnees , and Cheyennes as accurately and faithfully as possible.
- My father is a mixture of Smyrnaic and Pontic Greek and the Pontic Greeks were exterminated by the Turks.
- crime demands just punishment
- crime demands just punishment
Articles Related to ‘سزا’
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