Meaning of جلدی کرنا in Bangla
- লজ্জা দেত্তয়া
- পালাচ্ছিলাম
- ছুটে যাচ্ছে
- ত্বরন্বিত হত্তয়া
- শীঘ্র আসিতেছে
- থিতান
- বাঁচতে
- বেগে ধাবিত হত্তয়া
Meaning of جلدی کرنا in English
English usage of جلدی کرنا
- she was not abashed at being caught
- she quit her job to go gallivanting around the globe
- he hastened to refute the assertion
- we'd better hurry
- the incident precipitated a political crisis
- she quickened her pace, desperate to escape
- he seems so calm amid all the rushing people
Articles Related to ‘جلدی کرنا’
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