Meaning of ترسیل in Bangla
- পরিবহন
- সরবরযাহন্যযাগ্তযা
- অর্পণ
- বিলি
- চালানে
- প্রেরণ
- সংক্রমণ
- রূপান্তর
- সংবেদনশীল
Meaning of ترسیل in English
English usage of ترسیل
- In solids that conduct electricity, heat conduction is further enhanced by the drift of free electrons.
- allow up to 28 days for delivery
- allow up to 28 days for delivery
- shipments begin this month
- Designed for spectral analysis of microscopic samples as small as 1 mm, the instrument can measure by transmittance , absorbance, reflectance, fluorescence, and polarization.
- the transmutation of the political economy of the postwar years was complete
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