Meaning of اچانک in Bangla
- আকস্মিক
- হঠাৎ
- আকস্মিকতা
- দিতে না পারা
- ক্ষুদ্র তালা
- স্বতঃস্ফূর্ততা
- স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত
- স্টাউট
- অচল
- বোকা
Meaning of اچانک in English
English usage of اچانک
- our round of golf came to an abrupt end on the 13th hole
- a drama about two young brothers who are abruptly abandoned by their father
- After that, we went to play a round of pool so that I could redeem myself, and we both thought for a bit that I was going to skunk him.
- guitar strings kept snapping
- she occasionally tore up her usual schedule in favor of spontaneity
- a spontaneous display of affection
- stout middle-aged men
- a sudden bright flash
- suddenly I heard a loud scream
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